Abbey Organist
Who’s who: the Abbey Organist
Robert Fielding is the Organist and Master of the Choristers. He holds MMus and MPhil degrees and is a holder of both the Fellowship and Choirmaster diplomas of the Royal College of Organists. He studied organ with Ronald Frost, Keith Bond, Noel Rawsthorne and John Bishop. His BA (Hons) was in Music and Worship.
He works as an organist, choral trainer and composer, with a number of works for choir and organ in print. He has been Director of Music at Sarum College, Salisbury, for the past six years, where he now directs RSCM courses for organists. Robert studied composition with Andrew Downes at the Birmingham Conservatoire, Ian Hare at Lancaster University, Adrian Beaumont and Jonathan Cross at Bristol University. Both Masters degrees included composition folios.
He is Secretary to the Churches’ Initiative in Music Education, Director of the Salisbury Diocesan Certificate in Church Music programme, an Honorary Member of the Birmingham Conservatoire and also Musical Director of the Winchester City Festival Choir. Robert is married with two children.
Robert’s predecessor is Jeffrey Williams, who retired in January 2004.